Facultative air-breathing.likes shallow water and will often lie basking fo hours near the surface, but when swimming the fish is very pliant, and can turn and twist like an eel.This Bichir does best in a large "oddball" freshwater aquarium. This species is semi-aggressive in the fact that they will swallow any fish or invertebrate that they can fit into their mouth, but they are passive towards other large fish. Prone to jumping, a tight, well-sealed aquarium lid is required.
Max size : 74.0 cm
Diet ; A carnivore, Polypterus lapradei can be offered a varied diet of live foods such as worms and shrimp, as well as pellets. It may also accept some frozen foods.
temperament(behavior) : Generally peaceful on larger fishes but it must not be housed with smaller fishes that can fit in their mouth.