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Lopez Ornamental Fish

Red spotted gold-severum

  • Sale
  • Regular price ₱1,100.00

A great alternative to discus. For Hobbyist wanting to have something round and red in their tanks.  Severums (Heros sp.) have been a mainstay in the aquarium hobby for decades. They grow large enough to act as centerpieces, but they are not tank-busters, and they come in a variety of color patterns. Red Spotted Severums are a golden yellow color and develop small red spots throughout their whole bodies as they age. They are typically peaceful, though aggression will surface if pairs form.

tank requirement: 50 gallons and up
Max size : 20cm (7.9")
Diet ; Omnivorous -  easy to feed with available commercial pellets  
temperament(behavior) : Generally peaceful but avoid joining smaller fishes.